5 Challenges Newcomers Face In Canada And How To Deal With Them

5 Challenges Newcomers Face In Canada And How To Deal With Them
5 Challenges Newcomers Face In Canada And How To Deal With Them

5 Challenges Newcomers Face In Canada And How To Deal With Them

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) Immigration Levels Plan 2023-2025 seeks to accept approximately 460,000 new immigrants each year, the greatest level in Canadian history.

Upon arrival, newcomers must settle into their new homes and may face difficulties adjusting to Canada and their new life there.

This article will detail the main obstacles that many newcomers confront upon settling in Canada, as well as give information and recommendations on how to overcome them.

Language Barrier

English and French are the official languages of Canada. Many newcomers may experience difficulty conversing in one of these languages. Furthermore, many employments in Canada need English or French, with either language being one of the key qualifications in a job description.

To strengthen their English or French language skills, immigrants could take use of the offered language training programs. These programs are designed to meet all of the language demands of newcomers, including general language training, study support for language examinations (such as those required for immigration), job-specific language training, and more.

If you are a permanent resident or protected person in Canada, you are eligible to take government-funded language lessons. These classes are named:

  • Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)
  • Cours de langue pour les immigrants au Canada (CLIC)

Finding Affordable Housing

As a newbie to Canada, one of the first things you’ll need to do is find a place for yourself and your family to live. According to a 2018 Statistics Canada report, the majority of newcomers to Canada prefer to rent their first home.

Many immigrants to Canada may struggle to locate acceptable accommodation, as rental homes are in great demand around the nation.

However, there are several websites and tools to find housing possibilities, including:

  • Websites like ZumperPadMapper and Realtor.ca
  • The classified section of the local newspaper, or online classified listings
  • Bulletin boards in grocery stores, libraries, laundromats, community centers, etc.

In addition, immigrants should contact the local immigrant settlement agency. Many immigrant settlement groups provide housing-related services, such as assistance with choosing a place to live and understanding your rights and obligations as a renter.

A short web search of services accessible in your city, area, or even province will help you discover what options are available to you. Government-funded websites, such as Compass to Connect, are also beneficial for aggregating and searching settlement services across Canada.


Isolation and loneliness can result from living in a foreign culture away from one’s home, family, or friends. It will take time to adjust to new surroundings and feel comfortable.

However, Canada’s population is quite varied, and most major cities are home to people from various nations. These communities are ideal for immigrants since they may help them cope with solitude and facilitate their transition to their new environment.

Settlement services can help newcomers connect with their local communities.

In 2021, the IRCC performed the first research on immigrant outcomes through settlement programs. They discovered that 61% of immigrants who used community connection settlement programs reported that the services helped them meet people they now consider close friends. Furthermore, 92% of immigrants thought that their community welcomed newcomers, with 90% feeling a strong sense of belonging in Canada.

Finding employment

obtaining a career in Canada as an immigrant can be difficult, since they may face barriers to having their qualifications recognized and obtaining relevant Canadian employment.

However, Canada’s working force numbers over 20 million people, with immigration accounting for an increasing proportion of the workforce. Landed immigrants account for more than 25% of all Canadian workforce.

Having a solid network in Canada might assist you acquire access to career chances that aren’t publicly publicized. Newcomers can consider setting up an online professional presence, such as on LinkedIn, which is extensively used in Canada. This allows the user to showcase their work experience and skills, facilitate connections with new contacts and access job opportunities.

When looking for a job, reaching out to specialists in your sector with questions and conversation points may give excellent entrance points into jobs as well as industry success suggestions.

Many Canadian settlement programs include employment-related services, including job search assistance, résumé preparation, mock interviews, and networking opportunities. Specifically, 78% of individuals who got employment-related services acknowledged settlement services for providing them with the information, skills, and contacts required for success in the Canadian labour market.

Adapting to cold, snow, and ice.

In comparison to many other nations, Canada’s climate may be highly varied. Canada’s winter climate may be quite cold, with considerable snowfall in some areas of the nation.

A vital recommendation that would assist many immigrants to Canada is to buy suitable winter and snow apparel. These include hats, gloves, scarves, thermal layers (socks and shirts), insulated coats, and waterproof boots.

Furthermore, the cold and short days of winter in Canada make it more difficult to get outside and keep active. It also denotes the cold and flu season. You may avoid becoming sick by taking a few proactive precautions, such as obtaining a flu vaccination. The flu vaccination is the most effective flu prevention method and is advised for practically everyone over the age of six months.


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