The fifth and sixth Express Entry draws of 2023 were exclusive to applicants in enhanced PNP streams, issuing a total,366 ITAs.
On March 23rd, the Ontario PNP (OINP) held a draw for their Skilled Trades stream, issuing 746 NOIs to applicants with CRS scores ranging from 250- 489. applicants who received an NOI had created profiles in the Express Entry pool anywhere between March 23rd, 2022, to March 23rd, 2023.
Draws under the economic streams of the OINP are targeted for specific professions, which have been specified within the OINP program updates.
British Columbia
The British Columbia PNP( BCPNP) held a draw on March 21st, issuing a at least 254 NOIs to applicants across 6 streams.
Within the Skilled Worker International Graduate stream, the BCPNP held three targeted draws for early childhood educators and assistants, applicants in healthcare professions, and applicants in other jobs that are deemed priority occupations.
The Manitoba PNP( MPNP) held a draw on March 23rd, issuing a total of 566 NOIs( known under the Manitoba PNP as Letters of Advice to Apply).
The breakdown of NOIs issued by stream are as follows
Occupation specific selection — 266 NOIs, targeting applicants in specific, in- demand professions, with a minimal CRS score of 612;
All occupations 200 NOIs, with consideration to profiles not selected in the specific profession draw, with a minimal CRS score of 672;
International Education Stream — 52 NOIs; and
Skilled Worker Overseas stream — 48 NOIs to applicants who were invited by the MPNP under a Strategic Recruitment Initiative, with a minimal CRS of 708.
On March 23rd the Saskatchewan PNP( SINP) held two draws, inviting applicants from both the Express Entry, and Occupations in- demand streams.
184 Express Entry applicants with a minimal score of 82 were issued NOIs. Comparatively, the Occupations in- demand stream issued 312 NOIs to applicants, also with a cut-off score of 82. To be eligible for the Occupations in demand stream, an applicant’s profession must NOT be included on the SINP froze out occupation list.
A note on PNPs in the future
As mentioned already, the PNP moment represents that primary pathway for economic immigrants to Canada anticipated to play a larger role in Canadian immigration in coming times.
In addition to the added consideration to the PNP, a recent meeting between the Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration( FMRI) additional emphasized the significance of these provincial programs. Following the meeting, it was announced that provincial immigration would now receive its own multi-year levels plan, allowing provinces to understand their immigration allocation years in advance, and being suitable to plan consequently.
In addition, following the meeting numerous provinces saw an increase in future immigration allocations
- Alberta saw a significant increase in allocations, to,750 spots this time;
- Manitoba’s allocation for 2023 increased to,500 spots;
- Ontario noted an increase in allocations to,000 spots by 2025; and
- Saskatchewan will see an increase in allocations to 500 in 2025.

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