Canada Ranks First As Worlds Dream Work Destination

Canada Ranks First As Worlds Dream Work Destination

Canada Ranks #1 As World’s Dream Work Destination

According to a recent study conducted by the British company Givetastic, Canada is the global leader in terms of work destinations.

Givetastic determined the dream destinations to work abroad for almost every country by analyzing the average monthly search volume for matching term keywords like “jobs” and “work” and using translation where necessary.

The research, which polled people in 164 countries, highlighted Canada’s appeal, which was fueled by its strong healthcare system, employee benefits, and thriving job market. Notably, 56 countries (34.1% of the world’s countries) ranked Canada as their top choice, highlighting the country’s reputation as a premier workplace hub.

The top dream work destinations according to Givetastic’s study were:

  • Canada (top choice in 56 countries)
  • Germany (13 countries)
  • Qatar (11 countries)
  • U.K. (8 countries)
  • Switzerland, Australia (7 countries each)
  • Spain, U.S. (6 countries each)
  • Malta (5 countries)
  • Niger, Portugal (4 countries each).

Quebec’s Global Attraction

Givetastic used the same methodology to determine the most popular cities, states, and regions for work-related emigration.

According to Google search volume, Dubai is the most popular city to emigrate to for work, ranking first in 69 of 150 countries. However, Quebec was Dubai’s main rival.

Quebec ranked first in 28 of 150 countries, including Colombia, Mexico, Morocco, and Cameroon, highlighting the province’s global appeal.

What makes Canada unique?

According to Givetastic research, Canada was ranked as a top work destination in a number of countries, including Bangladesh, Chile, Ecuador, Kenya, Nigeria, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and the United States.

For a variety of reasons, Canada is a popular work and immigration destination for foreign nationals. To begin with, the country has a high standard of living, with universal healthcare and world-class educational institutions.

Canada is also a safe, peaceful country with a low crime rate, making it an attractive destination for immigrants and their families.

Canada is also one of the most diverse countries. It prioritizes inclusion and respect for all cultures and religions, making it easier for immigrants to settle, integrate, and embrace their new communities.

By providing a plethora of immigration streams, sponsorship opportunities, and work and study permit programs, the country is also committed to fostering a diverse workforce and ensuring socioeconomic growth.

Canada has valuable immigration programs such as the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TSWP) and Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP), which grant eligible foreign nationals permanent residency. In 2022, Canada granted permanent residency to over 437,000 foreigners, the most ever in a single year.

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) released the Canadian government’s Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026 on November 1st, 2023. Canada expects 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024, 500,000 in 2025, and 500,000 in 2026.

The plan prioritizes economic growth and family reunification, while also responding to humanitarian crises and recognizing the recent surge in immigration.

#Canadian permanent residence

#permanent residence

#permanent residency

#study in canada

#study permit

#work in Canada


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