The Newcomer’s Guide to Navigating the IT, Engineering, and Supply Chain Sectors in Canada

IT, Engineering, and Supply Chain Sectors in Canada
IT, Engineering, and Supply Chain Sectors in Canada

Canada is a place of chances for immigrants, with numerous opportunities for employment in a variety of industries.

The Information Technology (IT), Engineering, and Supply Chain sectors stand out among the booming businesses due to their enormous potential. This book aims to give you with vital insights into these areas if you are a new immigrant looking to explore employment opportunities in Canada.

IT (Information Technology)

The Canadian IT sector is rapidly expanding, spurred by technology developments and digital transformation. It covers a wide range of topics, including software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. Indeed, technology occupations led Indeed’s List of Best Jobs In Canada For 2023, accounting for 13 of the top 20 jobs, proving that IT workers with specialized abilities are still in great demand in the Canadian labour market.

The demand for technical IT abilities will only grow as more organizations relocate their activities online. Consider obtaining appropriate certifications, improving your programming abilities, and staying current with industry developments to jumpstart your IT career.

Humber College provides customized bridging programs to assist newcomers in resuming their IT professions in Canada. This includes the following:

Full-Stack.NET Cloud Developer bridging program (5 months) for newbie programmers and software developers

IT Infrastructure Bridge Program (4 months) for newcomers with a background in computer networking or cybersecurity.

Architecture and engineering

The engineering sector in Canada is well-known for its creativity, high-quality infrastructure, and ecologically beneficial techniques. Electrical, mechanical, civil engineering, and architecture are among the engineering disciplines with bright futures. To operate as a professional engineer in one of Canada’s provinces or territories, you must first obtain a license from the engineering organization of that province or territory. However, even if you have not been licensed by a regulator, you can begin working in engineering as long as you are supervised by a licensed engineer who accepts professional responsibility for your work.

Knowledge of Canadian codes and standards can also help you find work in this industry because businesses must follow these codes in order to reach minimum acceptable levels of safety, quality, and reliability in their projects.

Bridging programs assist in providing newcomers with the knowledge, technical skills, and soft skills that employers in the engineering/architecture sector require, thus “bridging the gap” between the newcomer and the employer’s expectations.

The Supply Chain

The Supply Chain sector, which includes logistics, transportation, warehousing, and procurement, is critical to the Canadian economy. It provides a wide range of job opportunities, from supply chain management to operations and logistics analysis. The typical overall salary package in Canada is $89,460 CAD, according to the 2022 Supply Chain Salary & Career study.

Understanding Canadian legislation and logistics systems, as well as earning essential skills and certifications, will help you distinguish yourself in this profession. Humber College offers a 12-week Supply Chain Bridging program to assist newcomers in developing these skills and connecting with firms who are actively seeking for supply chain careers. Students in the supply chain bridging program attend a hiring event near the end of the program to network with firms eager to hire immigrant talent especially.


Exploring the IT, Engineering, and Supply Chain sectors as a new immigrant in Canada might lead to fascinating job prospects. Remember to do your homework on the unique criteria for your chosen area, network with specialists, and keep your skills up to date. To get insights and help along the way, use online resources, professional associations, and bridging programs. Remember, Canada values variety, talent, and hard work, and provides a welcoming atmosphere for new immigrants to thrive in these successful industries.


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